

We’re are a bunch of ordinary people just like you, and we’re out to challenge the austerity cuts that have been harming us all. We aim to replace austerity with a new story, one that says that we all deserve adequately funded public services, decent pay and working conditions, and an adequate income whenever we need welfare support.

The People’s Assembly was established in 2013 to campaign both against the continuing austerity policies to which the most vulnerable are subjected and for alternative, more equitable solutions to the challenges facing Britain. In addition to the national umbrella organisation, local People’s Assemblies are being set up in order to strengthen grass-roots engagement with the campaign.

Eastbourne People’s Assembly was set up in April 2015. Our intention is not to duplicate the excellent campaigning work that is already taking place in the town, but to support the co-ordination of those events to present a united front on contemporary social and economic concerns.

What we do at EPA :-

  • Support National People’s Assembly’s event such as demonstrations and marches.
  • Support local events e.g. local strike action, local ‘wider movement’ action including the May day 2020 Kill the Bill March and Rally, the EBCOP26 March and Rally.
  • Run an active Facebook Page and Community Forum Facebook Group.
  • Write articles for local and other press and media in order to raise awareness of the anti-austerity cause and the alternatives for a sustainable future for social and climate justice.

EPA Constitution

EPA Aims & Objectives

What The National People’s Assembly do:

Here is the full description of what The People’s Assembly is, reproduced from its national website:

1.  Is a broad united national campaign against austerity, cuts and privatisation in our workplaces, community and welfare services, based on general agreement with the signatories’ Founding Statement.

2.  Is linked to no political party, committed to open non-sectarian working and dedicated to supplementing, rather than supplanting, trade union, student, pensioner and community opposition to austerity measures.

3.  Is based on affiliation by individual supporters, unions nationally and locally, anti-cuts campaigns, and other student, pensioner, unemployed, disabled people’s, women’s, Black people’s, youth and LGBT campaigning organisations.

4.  Aspires to support, encourage, coordinate joint action, and facilitate a transfer of experience rather than to command.

5.  Encourages the establishment of new local campaigns and/or People’s Assemblies.

6.  Organises newsletters, a website, twitter, Facebook and social media, meetings, conferences, lobbies, rallies, marches, demonstrations and other events.

7.  Vehemently opposes all proposals to “solve” the crisis by discrimination or scapegoating on  grounds of disability, race, religion, ethnic origin, nationality, gender, age, sexual orientation or identity.

8.  Liaises closely with similar movements in other countries resisting austerity measures.

9.  Encourages a wide debate on how to protect the welfare state and develop an alternative programme for economic and social recovery.

Groups affiliated to EPA

Eastbourne, Lewes and Wealden NUT

Eastbourne & District Friends of the Earth

Eastbourne Green Party

Eastbourne Labour Party

Eastbourne Trades Council

United Nations Association Eastbourne